Kundalini yoga : why practice it ?

Kundalini yoga intrigues you, maybe you already heard about it or maybe you want to try it ?

Set aside for a long time by Yogis, Kundalini Yoga is back. In fact, there are more and more people taking classes or considering practicing it soon.

We thought that to help curious people or beginners, a little information might help. And for the experienced people, a little reminder never hurt anybody !

So, what is Kundalini Yoga ?

Kundalini is above all the name a spiritual powerful energy. At rest, it is located at the basis of the spine, near the chakra’s root. When this energy is activated, it goes all the way up the spine, passing through all 7 chakras.

But “why wake this spiritual energy up?” you may ask? The aim is the awakening of your inner self and the realization of your being. No less !

And that’s what Kundalini Yoga is all about. Often considered as an ancient Yoga form because it combines all the components of Yoga, it is, however, a lot different than the most famous ones like Vinyasa or Ashtanga… This practice is very powerful, and works in series just like Ashtanga. There are hundreds of those series, also named Kriyas. They use breathing repetitions (pranayama), with static or moving postures, but also meditation, mantras, mudras and relaxation.

It is credited with many spiritual vertues but not only…

Kundalini Yoga’s benefits :

The aim is the spiritual awakening. It also has mental benefits.

By letting the subconscious express itself, it allows :

  • Stress and anxiety reduction
  • A better emotional stability
  • Healing of psychological pains
  • Energetical regeneration

On a physical level, the activation of this vital energy will

  • Improve the immune system
  • Rebalance the mind and body
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Enhances blood circulation
  • Homogenizes of the endocrine system

To go further

If you want to practice and understand the virtues of Kundalini Yoga, we regularly organize Kundalini retreats.


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