The Hormone Yoga, what is it? Focus on Hormone Yoga: why practice it, its benefits and advantages for women's health

Hormone Yoga : Why practice it ?

It’s difficult to navigate among all the existing yoga practices. But after careful consideration, we have decided to talk to you about hormone yoga. Yes indeed! This practice does exist!

Adolescence, menstruation, (in)fertility, pregnancy, and menopause… throughout her life, a woman undergoes numerous hormonal changes, which represent a significant part of her privacy. The practice of hormone yoga is increasingly attracting women who prefer natural and healthy methods that can contribute to improving or even curing their hormonal issues.

Our hormones influence a lot our health and have a determining role on our growth, our sleep, but also our mood and digestion.

In short, as you understood it, hormones are really important for our well-being !

A little zoom on this natural practice that allows us to understand the stages of our women’s life with more serenity.

Hormone Yoga, what is it ?

Hormone Yoga, also called hormonal yoga, was created 20 years ago by Dinah Rodrigues, a brasilian Yoga therapist.
Originally, this practice was designed to help women suffering from menopause. Subsequently, it has evolved and now addresses other hormonal issues such as puberty and menstruation.

This practice, which combines dynamism and breathing techniques, aims to boost and rebalance the hormonal system. Through dynamic postures and intense breathing techniques, it can alleviate pain caused by menstruation or endometriosis, as well as premenstrual syndromes or discomfort related to menopause.

Hormone Yoga is an adaptation of Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga postures, combined with Tibetan technique allowing energy flow.

Did you know ?

Hormonal yoga, inspired by hatha and kundalini, uses dynamic postures and intense breathing (Bhastrika pranayama) to stimulate the endocrine glands. Although it has a therapeutic dimension, it is not a medical treatment but a practice that promotes the body’s natural intelligence.

Hormone Yoga benefits

It is given a lot of beneficial vertues for the body but no only

On a physical level, this practice will :

  • Decrease/ease menstrual cramps
  • Improve skin quality
  • Maintain muscles and joints flexibility
  • Prevent bladder leakage
  • Fight infertility

For our subconscious it allows :

  • To control our emotions
  • To fight depression
  • To clean subconscious expriences

Our next Hormone Yoga retreat will occur in Puglia from October 23th to 27th 2024 with Carla Nataloni. Click here for more details.


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