Beth Jervis

Yoga teacher

Beth is a certified yoga teacher in Ashtanga Vinyasa 200hr from Alpha Yoga School and in Yin and Yin-resonance (yin supported by sound therapies) 100hr from Shri Gaïa Institute. For Beth, yoga should be accessible to everyone, whatever their body type or background. For some are strong, others flexible, some determined or outgoing, others shy or gentle. Yoga is a whole that does us good physically and mentally by teaching us to accept ourselves, explore and work on our strengths and weaknesses with compassion. Beth loves teaching Vinyasa, Yin-Yang, Sound Yin, Ashtanga for beginners, always with an element of pranayama (breath exercises) and philosophy. On the spiritual side, she believes that everyone should make their own way and never imposes anything! Take yoga as you like! She organizes yoga-brunches for Expats in Paris and is also an author and translator of meditations, lending her pen and voice in English to the Petit Bambou and Zafoo apps. With her double hat as yogi and actress, she can also be found on stage when she's not on her mat. His other passion is hiking. Before finding yoga, she walked thousands of kilometers on her own, crossing a different mountain range every summer: the French, Swiss and Italian Alps, the Pyrenees in France and Spain, Reunion Island, Corsica... As you might have guessed, her favorite meditation is a long walk in nature!

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