Any reservation of a stay or event with Vawanda implies acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Vawanda is a single-member SAS (single person simplified shared business). Vawanda is a travel agency specialized in wellness stays or events, with or without sports activities.

For any further information, please contact us at: (+33) 06 77 29 61 68.

Sales conditions and cancellation policy :

1.1 Your stay or event is proposed and sold by the company Vawanda, with registered office at 13 Place d’Aligre, 75012 PARIS. Represented by: Mrs. Enrica Rosa SABA, Director Registered at the Registre des Opérateurs et des Voyages de Séjours (Register of Stay and Travel Operators) under number: IM075200017 (Atout France registration number) Financial Guarantee: APST. Professional Liability Insurance: Hiscox France, 38 Avenue de l’Opéra – 75002 Paris.

Your registration for the VAWANDA stay will be confirmed upon receipt of a 50% deposit or the full amount. For offline payments, you can make a bank transfer to the IBAN: FR7618206004586506338887954, or write a check payable to VAWANDA at the address VAWANDA, 13 Place d’Aligre, 75012 PARIS – France.

UPON RECEIPT OF YOUR REGISTRATION We will send you a confirmation email.

RESERVATION: Online booking through our Elloha platform il only used as a guarantee to record your participation in the trip. Your credit card will not be charged.
Once the stay is confirmed based on the health situation and the number of registered participants (approximately 2 weeks before the workshop), we will contact you to provide you with the necessary information based on the chosen payment means (bank transfer, credit card debit, checks, holiday vouchers, cash).
You can therefore make the reservation with complete peace of mind.

PAYMENT OF AMOUNT: The amount via bank transfer or by check to send by post payable to VAWANDA must be made within 14 days before the stay. If the amount is paid by credit card or with holiday vouchers, an additional cost of 3% of the total amount of the stay will be applied.

CANCELLATION AND AMENDMENT FEES: For any cancellation or amendment request, you must contact VAWANDA by phone at (+33) 0677296168 or by email at [email protected]. The company VAWANDA keeps a part of the sums paid based on the cancellation or amendment date: between 60 and 30 days before the stay: 30% of the total amount will be retained, between 30 and 14 days before the stay: 50% of the total amount will be retained, between 13 days and the day of departure: 100% of the total amount will be retained.

1.2 Cancellation by VAWANDA

If VAWANDA were to cancel a stay/event for any reason, registered individuals will be fully refunded and may receive additional compensation at least equal to the penalty they would have incurred if the cancellation had occurred on their behalf.

However, VAWANDA may cancel the stay/event without additional compensation if:

– An insufficient number of participants are registered for a stay/event, and if this minimum number was clearly indicated in the announcement. VAWANDA will inform the customer:

– 14 days before the start of a trip lasting more than 6 days

– 7 days before a trip lasting between 2 and 6 days

– 48 hours for trips lasting less than 2 days.

The trip can still be maintained if each participant agrees to an amendment to the contract with a price adjustment, calculated fairly and not exceeding 10% of the price of the stay. The minimum number of participants and the surcharge for reduced groups are indicated on the product sheet Otherwise, another date or destination will be proposed, with no contractual obligation.

– In the event of exceptional and unavoidable circumstances that prevent the execution of the contract (e.g., lock down due to COVID or illness of operators).

In this case or if a significant portion of the services cannot be provided or when a non-conformity significantly disrupts the trip and if feasible for VAWANDA, services of equal or higher quality will be offered at no additional cost.

In some circumstances, particularly due to weather conditions, the itinerary, accommodations, transportation, or excursions may be modified The traveller may not refuse the modification without a valid reason, especially if the proposed services are not comparable. We always strive to ensure that you can complete your program by offering alternatives: a different location, a different route, a different activity, another date…

Terms and Conditions

“Tourist package”: A tourist package (as defined in Article L 211-2 of the Code du Tourisme (Tourism law)) consists of a service that: • Results from the prearranged combination of at least two operations relating respectively to transportation, accommodation, or other tourist services not ancillary to transportation or accommodation, and representing a significant proportion of the package, • Exceeds twenty-four hours or includes at least one overnight stay, • Is sold or offered for sale at an all-inclusive price.

“Partner” or “Supplier” refers to all service providers, including, in particular, railway carriers such as SNCF, maritime carriers, airlines, hoteliers, tour operators, car rental companies, and insurance companies.

“Service” refers to any service offered on the website, such as the provision of airline tickets, accommodation services, car rental, the provision of tourist packages, or any other service (e.g., yoga classes or other workshops).

  1. CAPACITY’: The User acknowledges having the capacity to contract under the conditions described, i.e. being at least 18 years old, being legally capable of contracting and not being under guardianship or curatorship. The User guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information they provide on the VAWANDA website Disclaimer: Reference to the terms of the Article L 313-1 of the Penal Code: “Fraud consists of the use of a false name or quality, the abuse of a true quality, or the use of fraudulent manoeuvres to deceive a natural or legal person and thus persuade them, to their detriment or to the detriment of third parties, to deliver funds, values, or any other asset, to provide a service, or to consent to an act that entails obligation or discharge. Fraud is punishable by five years imprisonment and a fine of € 375,000

3. Order / Booking

3.1 Placing an order You may reserve the Services you require on the VAWANDA website (hereinafter the “Site”), accessible at the following address https://www.reservation.vawanda.com/. This order is governed by these general terms and conditions of sale which detail the contents of your order. VAWANDA will send you, by email, the order confirmation which will include essential elements such as the identification of the booked service, the location, the price, the quantity, the travel date. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of articles L211-1 II and R 211-3-1 of the Code du Tourisme (Tourism Law), the order confirmation that will be sent to you will attest, electronically, to the establishment of the sales contract between VAWANDA and yourself.

In the absence of a confirmation email returned by VAWANDA, the reservation has not been taken into consideration. Therefore, it is your responsibility, in any case, to ensure that you do receive the confirmation email. If not, please contact us online via the contact page or by phone at (+33) 0677296168.

In addition to the elements available on the VAWANDA website and these general terms and conditions of sale, the provisions of the Tourism Code applicable to activities related to the organization and sale of travel or stays are valid (reproduction of articles R 211-3 to R 211-11 of the Tourism Code).

Your order is governed by the conditions of sale in force at the time the order is placed. The information contained on the VAWANDA website, the quote and the proposal constitute the prior information referred to in article L 211-8 of the French Tourism Code. You acknowledge having read and accepted these terms and conditions of sale in your name and on your behalf but also in the name and on behalf of all persons benefiting from the order, at the time of placing the order.

3.2 Availability

Most of our products are available and bookable. If a product is unavailable, this will be indicated at the time of your request.

3.3 Modification

Any request to modify your order must be made by email to VAWANDA on [email protected] which will have been communicated to the customer on the email confirming his order. VAWANDA will send you, by return e-mail, the request for modification and the related fee for acceptance.

  1. Price

Prices displayed on the website are in Euros (VAT not applicable – article 293 B of the French General Tax Code) and are regularly updated to reflect changes in itineraries and exchange rates.

The final price of your trip will be confirmed at the time of booking. Prices are based on the number of nights in a double or triple room to be shared, or in a single room when available.

The description of each stay indicates the services included and not included, as well as any supplements for single rooms, superior services or small groups.

Prices do not include: visa fees, tips, personal expenses, supplements for changes in the number of participants and, in general, anything not mentioned in the contract.

4.1 Price revision

VAWANDA expressly reserves the right to modify its prices upwards or downwards in order to take into account, in particular, variations in the cost of any transport, taxes and fees on travel services such as tourist taxes, landing or embarkation and disembarkation taxes in ports and airports, or exchange rates in relation to the chosen trip. The contract will specify how the price revision is calculated and the portion of the price concerned.

In the event of an increase in the sale price, regardless of its size, the information will be sent to the traveler in a clear and comprehensible manner, with supporting documents and the calculation, on a durable medium, no later than 20 days before the start of the trip or stay.

Pursuant to article R. 211-9 of the Code, when the increase in the price of the package reaches at least 8%, VAWANDA will inform the customer in a clear, comprehensible and visible manner on a durable medium of the increase, of the reasonable period within which to express his/her acceptance or refusal with cancellation of the contract and reimbursement without charge within 14 days and of the consequences of his/her failure to reply (application of cancellation charges).

  1. Liability

VAWANDA will provide the necessary assistance to the traveler in difficulty, but cannot be held responsible for the consequences, nor can it substitute financially for the traveler, in the event of the occurrence of the following events:

– Failure to present and/or loss or presentation to police, customs or check-in stations of expired or insufficiently valid identity and/or health documents (identity card, passport, visas, vaccination certificate, etc.), which are essential for leaving the country visited and returning to France.

– Costs generated by the loss of tickets by the traveler (costs and penalties for reissuing tickets and costs incurred in particular in the event of immobilization in the country).

– Debt contracted by the traveler with a third party (hotel extras, etc.)

VAWANDA is fully responsible for the proper execution of the obligations resulting from the travel contract within the meaning of article L. 211-16-I of the French Tourism Code. The traveller is hereby informed that VAWANDA cannot be held liable in any case where the damage is attributable either to the traveller or to a third party not involved in the provision of travel services and is of an unforeseeable or unavoidable nature, or to exceptional and unavoidable circumstances (war, attack, riot, revolution, nuclear disaster, climatic or geological events).

In the event that VAWANDA’s liability is triggered by the fault of its service providers within the meaning of the aforementioned article, the limits of compensation provided for in article L. 211-17-IV of the French Tourism Code, in particular when international conventions limit the compensation due by these service providers, will apply. In other cases, the contract may limit any damages to three times the total price of the trip (excluding personal injury and intentional or negligent fault).

For reasons relating to the period, the number of guests or decisions made by the hoteliers on site, it may happen that there is insufficient equipment on site or that certain activities have to be suspended.

VAWANDA shall in no way be held liable for any incident arising from services purchased outside the contract and directly on site by the traveler from an outside service provider, or resulting from the traveler’s personal initiative.

  1. Administrative and health formalities

For each destination, information on the country and its formalities is provided to travelers and updated on the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. However, given the sometimes rapid changes in a country’s political situation, it is up to each traveler to keep personally informed.

French nationals can check police, customs and health formalities in the destination and transit countries at www.diplomatie.gouv.fr or www.action-visas.com and health formalities at www.travelsante.com. Other nationalities should consult the consulate of the destination country and the country/countries concerned.

  1. Flights and transport (when included in the price)

Flight times can be early or late. Departure and return days are considered “busy” days. The traveler must reconfirm his return flight at least 72 hours before his return, once on site. Failure to comply with this airline-imposed procedure may result in cancellation of the return ticket, depending on the airline’s conditions.

Charter flights: To take part in one of our trips on a “charter” flight, you need to be aware of the contractual constraints associated with charter flights: “Capacity regulation on certain flights may lead the company to cancel or postpone a trip within 24 hours before or after the scheduled date, with two days’ notice”.

Timetables: Scheduled and charter flight timetables are not known at the time of online pricing, so departure and return may be as early as late. We recommend that you do not consider your departure or return day as a “useful” day. In accordance with article L. 211-10 of the French Tourism Code, travel documents such as receipts, vouchers, tickets and convocations, as well as, where applicable, check-in deadlines, departure and arrival times and scheduled stopovers and connections, will be communicated to the passenger in good time before the start of the journey.

Getting there : For train or plane tickets in connection with your international flight, we advise you to allow time for your connections (around 4 hours plus transfers). Should you miss your international flight and your trip due to a delayed connection, VAWANDA cannot be held responsible. We therefore advise against booking non-refundable and non-changeable discount tickets. In the event of a delay, VAWANDA (or the carrier) will not be liable for any costs incurred as a result of the non-refund of these tickets, nor will it be able to justify any cancellation by the customer or any reimbursement for services not taken.

Transfer: In the event of arrival or departure on a flight other than that of the group to which the traveler’s contract is attached, any transfer costs will be charged to the customer.

Airlines: The airlines listed in the brochure or on travel documents are subject to change. VAWANDA undertakes to ensure that all airlines operating from France are authorized by the relevant administrative authorities to serve French territory.

Air tax refund

In the event of non-use of the ticket for any reason whatsoever, the mandatory airport taxes are refundable to the traveler upon request within 30 days, and free of charge for online requests. For all off-line refund requests, VAWANDA may charge a fee corresponding to a maximum of 20% of the amount of the taxes refunded.

  1. Remarks

– Each participant is aware of the sporty nature of VAWANDA stays and events, and of the potential distance from medical centers. He/she assumes all risks with full knowledge of the facts and undertakes not to hold VAWANDA, the guides or the various service providers responsible for any accidents that may occur. This also applies to beneficiaries and family members.

– The level of fitness for yoga or other activities and the personal details (height, weight, etc.) provided at the time of registration are contractual elements provided under the responsibility of the traveler: the local service provider reserves the right to refuse any participant whose level or abilities are different from those validated at the time of contract conclusion and which are incompatible with the smooth running of the hike or stay. In this case, the customer will not be entitled to claim any compensation since the non-conformity is attributable to him.

– Any trip cut short or any service not used by the passenger will not be reimbursed.

– VAWANDA reserves the right to use photos or films taken during the trip to illustrate certain programs, without this giving rise to any compensation or indemnity, unless otherwise specified in writing by the traveler at the time the contract is concluded.

  1. Insurance

No insurance is included in the prices quoted by VAWANDA (except where insurance is compulsorily included in the price). We recommend that you take out an insurance policy covering the consequences of certain cancellations, and an assistance policy covering repatriation in the event of accident or illness.

For certain stays, VAWANDA offers various insurance policy options at the time of booking, including cancellation, assistance, repatriation and comprehensive insurance provided by our partner HISCOX. The risks covered, as well as the cost of policies and the amount of cover, are indicated on the site for information purposes only. If an insurance contract is taken out, the insurance policy will be sent to the customer by e-mail and made available during the sales process. Claims must be reported directly to the insurance company, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the insurance contract.

VAWANDA recommends that you carefully check the cover you have purchased and that you have emergency telephone numbers.

The amount of the insurance subscription remains systematically acquired and it is not possible to claim reimbursement, except in the event of cancellation of the contract by VAWANDA through no fault of the traveller.

If the customer has a previous guarantee for the risks covered by the insurance taken out, he/she may cancel this insurance free of charge within fourteen (14) days if no guarantee has been taken out.

  1. Assignment of contract

The traveller may assign his contract to a third party and must inform VAWANDA of this by any means allowing receipt to be acknowledged as soon as possible and no later than 7 days before the start date of the trip, indicating precisely the name and address of the assignee and of the participant in the stay/event, and proving that the latter meets the same conditions as the traveller for the stay/event.

The assignor or the assignee will be jointly and severally liable for the payment of any balance of the price, as well as for the appropriate costs incurred by this assignment.

However, the traveler may not assign his or her insurance contract(s). Furthermore, in the case of air transport included in the price and if the ticket is issued, it will not be exchangeable or refundable by the airlines and, consequently, the transfer of the travel contract may be assimilated to a cancellation generating the costs stipulated in these Special Conditions of Sale.

  1. Claims and disputes

The passenger must report any non-conformity to the contact point on the spot. Failure to do so may result in the claim being rejected.

Any complaint or dispute concerning the smooth running of the stay/event that cannot be settled directly on site must be notified and justified within one month of the return date of the stay/event, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The request must be supported by supporting documents or a written statement from the local service provider. VAWANDA will deal with the case as quickly as possible, taking the time to carry out a survey of the service providers.


After contacting VAWANDA’s after-sales service and in the absence of a satisfactory response or in the absence of a response within 60 days, the customer may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman: Médiateur du Tourisme et des Voyages – MTV – BP 80 303 – 75 823 Paris Cedex 17 as well as on its website: www.mtv.travel.

  1. Personal data protection

It is reminded that the personal data requested from the Customer is necessary for the processing of the order and, in particular, for the preparation of invoices.

This data may be communicated to any of the Company’s partners responsible for executing, processing, managing and paying for orders.

– The information collected by VAWANDA is processed electronically in order to provide the best possible response to your requests. This personal data is processed in compliance with the RGPD – General Regulation for Data Protection of April 27, 2016, which came into force on May 25, 2018. This data is intended for VAWANDA and its partners and may be transferred to third parties for the purposes of executing, processing, managing and paying for orders.

Every traveler has the permanent right to access, rectify, delete or oppose his or her personal data, free of charge, at any time. Simply contact VAWANDA (indicating name, first name, address and email) with proof of identity, by post or by email to VAWANDA – 13, place d’Aligre, 75012 Paris, France – [email protected].

VAWANDA expressly invites the traveller to consult its Privacy Policy on the www.vawanda.com website.

  1. Intellectual property

The content of the website and applications is the property of VAWANDA and is protected by French and international intellectual property laws. Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of copyright.

In addition, VAWANDA retains all intellectual property rights to photographs, presentations, studies, drawings, models, prototypes, etc., produced (even at the traveller’s request). The traveler therefore refrains from any reproduction or exploitation of said studies, drawings, models and prototypes, etc., without the express, written and prior authorization of VAWANDA, which may make such authorization conditional upon financial consideration.

Here is the standard form summarizing your essential rights on the occasion of your proposed purchase of a tourist package, according to the provisions of the European Package Travel Directive of November 23, 2015 and its transposition into the Tourism Code.

The combination of travel services offered to you is a package within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 and Article L.211-2 II of the French Tourism Code.

You will therefore benefit from all the rights granted by the European Union to packages, as transposed into the French Tourism Code. VAWANDA will be entirely responsible for the proper execution of the entire package.

In addition, as required by law, the VAWANDA company has protection to refund your payments and, if transportation is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation in the event that it becomes insolvent.

Essential rights provided by Directive (EU) 2015/2302 transposed into the Tourism Code:

Travelers will receive all essential information about the package before entering into the package tour contract.

Both the organizer and the retailer are responsible for the proper execution of all travel services included in the contract.

Travelers are provided with an emergency telephone number or point of contact to reach the organizer or retailer.

Travelers may transfer their package to another person, subject to reasonable notice and possible additional charges.

The package price may only be increased if specific costs increase (e.g. fuel prices) and if this possibility is explicitly provided for in the contract, and in any case may not be changed less than twenty days before the start of the package. If the price increase

exceeds 8% of the package price, the traveller may cancel the contract. If the organizer reserves the right to increase the price, the traveler is entitled to a price reduction in the event of a reduction in the corresponding costs.

Travelers may cancel the contract without paying cancellation fees and receive a full refund of payments made if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, undergoes a significant change. If, prior to the start of the package, the professional responsible for the package cancels it, travelers may obtain a refund and compensation, if applicable.

Travelers may cancel the contract without paying a cancellation fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for example if there are serious safety issues at the destination that are likely to affect the package.

In addition, travellers may cancel the contract at any time prior to the start of the package, subject to payment of an appropriate and justifiable cancellation fee.

If, after the start of the package, important elements of the package cannot be provided as planned, appropriate alternative services must be offered at no extra charge. Travelers may cancel the contract without paying a cancellation fee if the services are not performed in accordance with the contract, the package is significantly disrupted and the organizer fails to remedy the problem.

Travelers are also entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation in the event of non-performance or poor performance of travel services.

The organizer or retailer must provide assistance if the traveler is in difficulty.

If the organizer or retailer becomes insolvent, the amounts paid will be refunded. If the organizer or retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and transportation is included in the package, repatriation of travelers is guaranteed. The VAWANDA company has taken out insolvency protection with APST (Association Professionnelle de Solidarité du Tourisme: organization in charge of insolvency protection).

Travelers can contact this organization (APST – 15 avenue Carnot, 75017 Paris, France – Tel. 01 44 09 25 35 –
[email protected]

) if they are denied services due to VAWANDA’s insolvency.



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