Discover Hatha yoga basis : harmony between body, mind and spirit

Introduction to Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga traces its origines back to India and focuses on creating harmony between body and mind. It combines postures to help strentch and reinforce muscles, breathing exercises to calm the spirit and relaxation moments to help you relax.

The word “Hatha” itself derived from two sanskrit words : “ha” meaning sun and “tha” meaning moon, symbolizing the union of opposits, just like the balanced searched in Hatha Yoga.

Mental and physical benefits The regular practice of Hatha Yoga offers many benefits for the body and mind.

  • Physical: Improvement of posture, flexibility, muscle reinforcement
  • Mental : Reduction of stress, better concentration, positive state of mind. But above all, it promotes a deep inner harmony and connexion to yourself feeling.

Accessibility and adaptability :

Hatha Yoga adapts to all levels, offering an accessible approach to grow physical vitality and inner peace.

In short, Hatha Yoga offers a holistic practice fo balance the mind and body, promoting a sain and harmonious lifestyle.


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