Jacqueline Koenig

Yoga teacher

Jacqueline Koenig discovered yoga while searching for alternative ways to balance an intense and stressful finance job. What she found was a deeper connection to her body and mind, helping her to be more aware and skilful in living a healthier and happier life.
Jacqueline skilfully brings classical alignment and mindfulness into her classes to develop a practice beyond physical exercise. She teaches yoga with a big smile, classes mixed with challenge and fun that will help you feel more energetic and grounded.

As someone who shares a passion for both the practices of surfing and yoga, she knows how to make sure both your body and mind are ready for the experiences that await you. She is a Yoga Alliance RYT500 teacher and studied Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin yoga as well as meditation in Australia and India and now teaches Yoga in Paris France and retreats in Europe.

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